«mental» ¹No Top Secret without some jokes. The first amount of jokes are so-called 'school-jokes'. It's just some funny sentences that children have said during their time in school. 'The earth weight many millions tons, but I don't know whether that's with or without people'. 'The water in this country is very important, because if there was no water, we will not be able to learn how to swim and then we will all drown'. 'With the telescopes that are made today, the sun will be much closer in 30 years'. 'The Sct.Bernarddog is the largest useful dog that we have. It lives high up in the Alpes and has the task to bring the last oil to the ones that dies in the snow''. 'The he-horse gives the she-horse an injektion with a sort of tadpoles, which ten makes a couple of eggs, which become a new little horse'. 'If a man don't like to be a man, he can be castated to a woman'. 'The first thing you die of is accidents. Then diseases and finally a lot commit suicides'. 'My great-grandfather was in the hospital for two years with heart stop before he took a deep breath and died'. 'There has been written alot about God in the old and the new instruments. The things written, are written with Holy Writ. In the middle of the Garden of Eden stood a tree called the acquainntance tree on good and evil. Adam and Eve was nt allowed to eat of the tree, because God also wanted something for himself. At the time Abraham was siiting in 'Mamrelund' three men arrived, but it was God and two angels. And then Sara asked if they wanted some cffe. And they sat talking for a while and then God said to Sara: Will you please go behind that door and give birth to a baby immediately'. 'He lost his legs in an accident and even since he has been driving around in the electric-chair.